This simple personal convenience, with it’s dedicated protective function through all seasons, and it’s protective symbolism for the ordinary citizen’s health……..constitutes the central design theme for the unique dome roof of the main DIGNITYCARE hospital structure. The umbrella-style roof provides shelter from the adverse local weather conditions such as wind, rain & solar radiation all year round. While meeting its basic roof function however, it is also a permanent renewable power plant made up of integrated solar roofing tiles. Next, the dome roof profile easily permit Rain Water capture and Reuse for the entire development. Next, just like the typical condition under an umbrella, the roof provides protective shelter from the intense tropical radiation, resulting in much less cooling load for Air Conditioning systems throughout the building. Next, the dome shape automatically promotes wind acceleration up towards the strategically placed horizontal-blade wind turbines at the rooftop. Lastly, we believe the dome roof will become an aesthetic focal point for the entire region, able to sustain visual interest, pride, and eventually come to represent an international landmark destination for medical practitioners, as well as patients looking for that illusive dignifying health care that only seem to be available in foreign destinations.
Dignity Care Hospital
at Asese is being configured to be the very first and only “Green” Hospital facility on the African continent. This new development will capitalize on its natural environment, and the natural resources beneath it for free sustainable water supply, and solar energy abundance from above respectably. In an era of environmental responsibility and global sensitivity to cleaner air, sustainable and renewable energy sources are now highly desired. We project this new development will conform to the highest USGBC certification criteria, and easily exceed expectations as a landmark destination for exceptional and dignifying health care.
Green, Clean & Sustainable
Availability of clean, sustainable and uninterrupted electricity supply has also been an important goal at this preliminary project phase. The entire development will be powered exclusively by several clean and renewable energy sources located right on site…..for a unique NET-ZERO benefit. In order to ensure absolute uninterrupted power supply, the development will feature various built-in power redundancies, including a stand-by power generation plant, only as an emergency back-up. All structures on site will be fitted with either independent solar energy generators and/or wind turbines. Only the main Hospital building will feature both Wind Turbines and extensive integrated Solar Panel dome roof to compliment it’s internal clean power load. In fact, we anticipate electricity generated by this composite hospital complex alone will not only satisfy its own power needs, but also potentially serve the needs of her immediate surrounding neighbors.
Water, an essential life support natural resource, is available throughout the project site. More than 75% of the land is estimated to be swampy or water logged. Other areas have flowing streams, while other parts feature grades with high water table. There is therefore adequate and continuous support for this hospital, and the entire development’s portable and non-portable water needs. However, in general, the terrain is relatively flat. (subject to detailed Topographical Survey) It should be anticipated that the entire development will be built on water and/or reclaimed land areas. We believe this constitutes the most ideal settings for working directly with the natural environment for a harmonious living and working atmosphere for all visitors and occupants of these proposed buildings. After all, embracing and integrating buildings and building systems with their immediate natural environment, while reducing or eliminating carbon-footprint, are the essence of Green Architecture. ‘Evidence-Based Hospital Design’ criteria embrace and encourage these subtle design trends as desirable patient-recovery and healing accelerators.
The Umbrella Dome Roof
In these parts of the globe, the primary seasonal changes are limited mostly to Wet and Dry. But the Sun is always out and typically intense throughout the year in most Tropical regions. The “Umbrella” has therefore come to be an all-year-round personal handy essential to minimize the scorching heat while reducing overall perspiration. Also, it has the added benefit of protecting human skin from oxidizing ultraviolet light which can cause cancer and sunburn from direct sunlight exposure. Finally, the umbrella’s protection of the head (including those pricey hairdos) and general upper body extremities during regular tropical rain storm, is always desired and very comforting.